Jennifer Hartmann – June First | ARC Review

Title: June First
Author: Jennifer Hartmann

Want to know what happens to a man who barely claws his way out of a tragedy, only to fall right into the arms of the one girl in the world he can never have?

Another tragedy, that’s what.

When I was six years old, my father made a choice that altered the course of my entire life. 
Because of what he did, the only girl I ever loved became the only girl I couldn’t have.

In a lot of ways, I did have her…
I had her first steps, her first words, her first smile. I had her milestones, her heartbreaks, her dreams. I had her heart so woven in with mine, I didn’t know where she ended, and I began.
Only, as the years pressed on, lines became blurred—and the blurrier the line, the easier it is to cross.

They say tragedy comes in threes.
For me, that was true. 
The first one changed me, the second one broke me, and the third one healed me.

But at the center of all that tragedy… there is a love story.
And at the center of that love story,
There is June.


I finally decided to pick up Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann last month after being recommended so many times. One reason why I didn’t read it until last month? Overhyped books almost always let’s me down but Still Beating? It’s worth the hype and more.

I felt really lucky to have received the ARC for June First not only because the blurb caught my eye but also because I really fell in love with the way Jennifer Hartmann told a story. This is my honest, spoiler free review.

June First’s blurb is vague to say the least but we do get that it’s going to be a forbidden/taboo romance.
Go in blind, don’t try to find out the storyline…It’s worth the read.

June First is a slow burn romance that spans years. With each page, you get to know the characters, understand them… fall in love. Brant and June’s story is intense and captivating.
Now, the main question is…Is this as dark as Still Beating? No.
Is it heartbreaking? Yes. A definite yes. I cried twice reading this book and I can guarantee that you’ll cry too. 

June First is all about the heart.
Your heart will feel the joy, the pain, the angst, the hope, the misery, the doubt, and hopefully the intense amount of love. June First by Jennifer Hartmann is beautifully written.

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