Kandi Steiner – What He Never Knew | ARC Review


Title: What He Never Knew (What He Doesn’t Know #3)
Author: Kandi Steiner
Publication Date: February 21, 2019

I never learn my lesson.

And I always want what I can’t have.

When Sarah Henderson walks into my life, I tell myself she’s off limits. She’s my student, sixteen years younger than me, and my boss’s niece. It doesn’t matter that I see the same pain reflected in her eyes that I have in my own, or that the dead organ better known as my heart kicks to life when she’s around.

I’ve been here before, and I know how this ends.

It’s been two years since I fell for the last woman I knew I couldn’t have, the one with the ring on her finger that I chose to ignore.

Two years of trying to overcome that heartache when Sarah slides into my life.

Another woman I can’t have. Another woman I can’t stop myself from wanting.

I never learn my lesson, but with a constant reminder of how that last forbidden love burned, I think I’ve finally learned this one.

This time, I won’t chase what’s off limits.

This time, I’m staying away.

And I’ll keep telling myself that until I believe it.


NOTE: This is a Spoiler-free Review

Excuse me while I cry in the corner.
I think…I think I’m crying because I am happy and sad.
Reese broke my heart But then, so did Sarah.

I have been a huge fan of this series and I was so excited to finally read Reese’s story. I mean who wouldn’t be if you’ve read the other two books from the series, right?
To be honest, I was never fully satisfied with the way things turned out… the brutal fact was….Reese was left broken and it just didn’t feel right to be truly happy when this beautiful lost man deserved a happy ever after too.

What He Never Knew by Kandi Steiner is stunning!
It was so beautiful.
It was so heartbreaking.
It was magical.
It was an experience that is most definitely Indescribable.

Reese and Sarah’s story was the type that creeps into your soul and it gradually heals and mends then slowly it sizzles into a blistering attraction that is unavoidable because …. Reese and Sarah? They were just meant to be. These two broken souls created the perfect symphony.

I couldn’t have pictured a perfect match for Reese.
I couldn’t have imagined a better man for Sarah.

Don’t for a second let the blurb of the book fool you.
Reese and Sarah will shatter your soul.
It’s incredible how much depth and energy this book has… What He Never Knew is filled with so much love, so much strength and music….Oh The music!! music that perfectly captures every emotion in this book.

What He Never Knew is breathtakingly Magnificent!

4.5 new1

Burn 2

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