J.D. Hollyfield – Pride | ARC Review


Title: Pride (The Elite Seven #2)
Author: J.D. Hollyfield
Publication Date: February 25, 2019

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

But who said the devil was a he?

In my world, she was out to cause havoc on all our lives.

She’ll use the one thing I care most about to control me—force me into her Elite world, filled with sin, deceit, and power. And under her spell, I’ll lead a sinister brotherhood of seven at one of the most prestigious universities in New Orleans.

Seven tasks set forth by the devil herself, promising nothing less than the forbidden fruit of power. What they don’t understand is it will all end in bloodshed and regret.

They call me the alpha. The one in charge. The one with pride bigger than any task I could be given. And my pride won’t let me be anywhere but at the top of the food chain until she gives me what I truly want.

My task is Meghan Benedict.

She’s too pure for me to touch, too good for me to ruin—and the only thing standing in my way to freedom.

Accept your sin wisely, for the tasks given to earn your place are not for the weak…they’re for The Elite.

As they say, pride comes before the fall.

I am Mason Blackwell.

I am Pride.


The  Elite series captured my attention and just like with the first book in the series, Lust.. I was eagerly waiting to get my hands on Pride.

Now that I’ve read the book, I admit I am a bit confused about my feelings towards this book. So here’s the thing, considering the fact that the 7 people who represent the 7 deathly sins are suppose to be an embodiment of the sins they represent, I found Mason Blackwell lacking in pride.

I don’t think that Mason has that much Pride per se. Rather , I think he has a great sense of courage. Why you ask? I think it takes a person of immense strength and courage to suck up one’s own ego and pride for the greater good. And I know, having read the book, that Mason is selfless. He would do anything for his loved ones. To be honest, I also felt like this book had more characteristics of Lust and Wrath.

I think the only quality of pride Mason has is the fact that he knows he is hot and that he is over confident with he knowledge that is he good *wink* *wink* … in bed. lol!

So back to the characters! I liked Lillian and I loved the chemistry between Mason and her.

This book, Pride, made up on a whole new level with all that immense lust and obsession (that comes with an attraction between two people) that was ‘lacking’ in the first book (Lust) of the series.

The plot twist in Pride was really unexpected so, Bravo J.D. Hollyfield!

I think when it comes to this series, the mystery and intrigue is what captures my interest to the point where I am constantly refreshing my kindle hoping for the next book to arrive.

Next up, WRATH!




8 thoughts on “J.D. Hollyfield – Pride | ARC Review

  1. The idea of this series is a great one. I haven’t particularly wanted to read it but I don’t think I’d be opposed to it. And I agree. Have you noticed hardly any male characters are so prideful that one has to look beyond it? Pride seems like a difficult attribute to write. Great review though. Sorry for rambling on you😂

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